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As I sit here with my breakfast of scrambled eggs, chocolate chip toast with peanut butter and a glass of OJ and Sabrina the teenage witch on in the background I realize that I need to get out of my comfort zone. I used to be afraid of change and new things. Like when I worked at the kennel for 2 1/2 years and it took my current boyfriend to push me to find a better job and I was afraid but I did it and couldn't be happier where I am right now. Any who this isn't that serious of a topic but it has to do with my baking. I have been printing off Pinterest recipes lately for baking and cooking but I am trying to go out of my comfort zone of just baking muffins, cookies, and brownies. I've always been afraid of using yeast and I made homemade wheat pizza crust the other day and it came out okay not exactly what it probably should have looked like. So I want to start to work with that more and just try different things like more breads and cakes and pie. I just need more people...