Just getting it off my chest
You ever have those dreams that totally bug the crap out of you the whole next day? Like you literally can't stop thinking about it and you really wish you could because it was a stupid dream? Yeah I seem to have those now and than and they usually involve some sort of past that didn't end well and my subconscious just loves to think about it even though consciously I never think about it. So last night I dreamt about my ex friend Anthony. It hadn't happened in quite awhile. I am gonna short hand the word subconscious to S.C. and conscious to C. because it's easier to type. So I had this dream and I wake up like totally livid. It's like wtf S.C. why you gotta bring that shit up. It's been like almost three years get over it. Seriously because C. certainly has. So I delve deeper into myself to figure out why he pops up on occasion in my dreams. Let's just say if therapy was free I'd jump right on that band wagon because I am no psychologist. So I think...