New Blog

I decided to start a new blog because i just lost track of the other one and stopped posting. Too much complaining about the last boy I was with and well if you want to read it:

ANY WHO, Since the last time i posted I ended up getting a dollar raise at work, too bad its still not enough. The two new co workers we got are fabulous. We work well together and they work hard! I am still looking for another job though. I completed my Veterinary Assistant class through Penn Foster. Not much but its something i can add to my resume. Corey (the boyfriend) sasses me all the time about getting a new job and I understand why I need one i think its just scary leaving a place that i like working at and have kind of like a second family there and love learning as much as i am. But that doesn't give me the money that I need to pay off my thousands of dollars in student loans.I still hang out with Anthony like once a month and we still talk. We are good friends I like hanging out with him. and thats it just friends. Does he happen to be really good looking yes but I wouldnt trade my boy for the world:) Its been 7 months:)

Other than work life with corey is lovely:) He moved to a new place with a new roommate and they live 2 minutes down the road from my work. Hopefully winter driving will be a little easier on me this coming season. Also saving a lot of money on gas like holy smokes love it! Started going to Planet Fitness, only $10 a month its great. Unfortunately I havent been in a a little over a month because I took vacation mid July and the humidity has been ridiculous and work has been crazy. Im really trying to push myself to start going back because it felt good to go and I watched HGTV while i was there for an hour or more.

I have also discovered a new hobby well not really new but i have delved myself more into than I ever have thanks to Pinterest haha. BAKING mostly but now I've started cooking more as well. Making dinner for the boyfriend and his roommate. They seem to enjoy it haha. My work really enjoys my cooking. I have never received so many compliments in my life for my baking. I feel great. I cant cook at Coreys unfortunately because  I would have to buy a lot of stuff because he has nothing for baking. One day I will have my own Kitchen Aid Mixer:) I go home once a week now sometimes more depending on the boyfriends plans and I cook every time I go. They may not be original recipes but I dont think there is anything wrong with that. Im learning how to cook. My favorite recipes come from Sallys Baking Addiction. She is a fabulous person and also her recipes are just as fabulous.

I also bought a new gaming desktop and I am so excited to get it. My dad has to assemble the pieces as they come in YAY! I have started to make more time for reading as well unfortunately not painting but I would like to start up again.One of my good friends got married this past weekend and we went to her reception BBQ and i ate so much food and had so much fun! My best friend from high school is getting married in September.  Love is in the aiiiirrr and i am a bridesmaid/maid of honor:) I got her such a cute gift for her too I hope she likes it and i think its pretty unique. Corey loved his birthday presents also baked him an apple pie instead of a cake.He loved it. Thank you etsy for the Archer shirt:)

On A Side Note Here are a few pictures from my fun camping trip with corey:) :
Caught my first fish:)

The boy and I

Sunset with all the boats, including his

