Girl Gamers..For Real?

This is a topic that has always been dear to me because well I grew up a gamer. Always have been one always will be. It all started growing up with an older brother. My dad is a computer programmer so our house has always had computer(s). So at first when I became old enough to understand the use of a computer I played the typical kid games like Putt Putt, Kid Pix and Magic School Bus and other educational fun games. Then as I got older my brother introduced me to his games because we would share a computer so I started playing the Sims and the Lego game. Then around 8 years of age and on I started playing more games like; Half-Life, Doom, Descent, Quake, Unreal Tournament etc. Eventually I got my own computer and my gaming  genres increased. I got into games like the Elder Scroll Series,racing games, Fifa EA sports. I was into everything my brother was playing except for Flight Simulator. He got PC Gamer so I got to play a lot of demos of ALL types of games. Neverhood was also a classic game growing up. and No One Lives Forever was definitely a favorite but I only ever played the demo.
Now at age 25 I play a lot of different kinds, I didn't realize all the different types growing up. Always will be a PC girl, our first console was an Xbox. Which I still have. I never had any Nintendo, I did have a game boy then Gameboy advance then Nintendo DS. I played Pokémon a bit. I finally have a legit gaming desktop now. I continued to play the Sims, Sims 4 is great. I still love all the classics and thanks to steam I can still play them and gog. com. I even played Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity recently. Anyways I could spends hours in a day just video gaming. I love my 360 and my pc but I do prefer PC because  I can also use my xbox controller on my pc. I have about 70 games on my computer. I use Origin and Steam for most of my games. it's so nice to have them without cd's.  FPS and RPG are my favorites but I have plenty of indie games as well and point and click and have played games like Maple Story.

Those girls who call themselves gamers because they play Call of Duty is a disgrace. Most of them do it because BOYS think its super hot seeing a girl play call of duty. Im sorry but no way in hell does that make you a gamer especially a girl gamer. Taking selfies of you in your bra and headphones and holding a controller does jack shit.  Learn to play something else seriously. Grow a pair and stop calling yourself a "girl gamer". It's a disgrace. Ive stayed up until the wee hours of the morning eating junk food and soda playing games usually its one ive been waiting to come out for awhile. Cheers!
