Almost done 2016

I feel like I can say for many people out there that 2016 started out great and then kind of just got progressively crappier.  Really sad deaths and well Trump being in charge of the United States now among other things. I thought the year in general was pretty decent, not overly exciting and nothing major happened to me. Still battling my digestive issues and acid reflux although the reflux seems to be under control with Ranitidine 75 mg when I need it which is mostly twice a day. Work has been going the same no changes. Almost had to go back to hourly but there has been some stop on that until they figure out what they want to do. Had a pelvic ultrasound to see why I was having pain down there and unusual periods but everything came back normal of course. I am a relatively healthy 26 year old. Signed back up at the gym after a 6 month hiatus.
I don't make New Years resolution because I think its ridiculous. Just do it when you think of it. If you wait until New Years to change something that's a little ridiculous. Every day is a fresh start.
I'm hoping this year I will be able to get my corgi once the house is built:)
Christmas was nice and relaxing for the most part. Had lots of good food and family time. My brother and sister in law told us they will be moving back to Colorado :( I was hoping they would be coming back to Maine. I have not being able to see them more. I would love to just be able to go over to their place on a random day and spend the day baking with my sister in law or watching movies with my brother. I don't know if that will ever happen.
I am watching my bosses cat, Marmalade, this weekend as they do skiing with their family and Barnacle. Barnacle will be with us in February when she goes to Florida.
Like I said not much else went on in 2016. I think the people around me had bigger changes than I did. Status Quo for now but that's okay. I have a good life, I can't complain.
Love My Family
