Week 2

Survived another week of Covid-19 2020. the economy is crashing around us and the US has more cases than any other country and continues to rise, including the deaths. our president is an idiot but what else is new.  people from new york and mass are driving to their homes in maine to isolate themselves but naturally they are bringing the crap with them. unless its essential to travel somewhere don't freaking do it. beaches and state parks are closing in Maine because people are swarming to them and hanging out in groups. i am trying to find hiking trails for my next 9 days off that aren't going to be swarming with tons of people. Like i get you want to be outside thats great but be cautious of where you are going. highly popular places aren't going to cut it. there are plenty of off trails that aren't as well known.
i did have some highlights, i got several compliments from people manager positions and all about how awesome i have been stepping up helping all the areas out in the hospital. made me feel good:)
Maine unemployment will now let people who are effected by covid -19 who's hours are cut short or down to part time can get help therefore my plan is to try that this week as this working every other week schedule will probably end up sticking according to a manager. worked tuesday through friday and work was very busy especially with a skeleton crew. After this is all over we either gonna love or hate each other..hate for at least a few of us haha. the second team is on next week and it sucks being apart for sure as we all work together well and balance each other and there always just so many laughs when the whole crew is together. will miss them for sure. we will be together again. curbside service continues. we are getting used to it but still takes more time to do things. especially the checking out part. people coming to get flea/tick and hg now that the weather is warming up and most people cant afford full boxes so they come to us to get doses because online sells it by the box only.  apparently anal glands and nail trims are still essential..unless medically essential dont bring your pet in. unless your dog is due for rabies vaccine wait to schedule your annual unless you have health concerns seriously. recheck ear infection not super essential.. this could go on for awhile so people need to realize what is actually essential. after next week we will not be doing surgeries that are not medically necessary. there are other places out there who need the ppe more than us and not have us use in a surgery for a spay or dental.

I know its taking its toll on a lot of peoples mental health and i hope they can reach out to people appropriately during this time to help and people hurting financially can find support and relief somewhere. im thankful to still be working even if im losing a week every other week of pay. i hope we dont have to close. cases in maine are increasing quite a bit especially in the county my work is in. flattening the curve takes awhile, its not gonna happen in like a week or 15 days as trump thinks...we got to work together to help each other through this. please stay safe.
also thank god for the treadmill in the basement because the snacking is gonna go hard during my time off. hopefully get out to do some hiking too. even it rains im going hiking. i need some time outside to relax.

until next week. may the force be with you!
